How we will be protecting participants by maintaining good hygiene during Workshops:
Before each workshop commences all surfaces, tables and chairs will be wiped down and cleaned.
All forms and sign in/out procedures are now digital.
Hand sanitiser will be placed at entry point of Workshop and participants will be asked to sanitize hands.
There will be additional hand sanitizer in the workshop room. Participants will be asked to sanitize hands during the workshop and after breaks.
If participants will be engaging in an art project during the workshop there will be enough resources for each person. Shared equipment and
resources will be limited.​
How we will be practicing Social Distancing during Workshops:
As per government restrictions there will be one person per two square metres. Workshop numbers will be limited accordingly.
Participants will be reminded at the beginning of the workshop about social distancing. There will however be times where this may be difficult in a workshop setting. There may be workshop activities that require participants be in closer proximity for small amounts of time.
When seated at tables or on the floor of the workshop room participants will be spaced apart at 1.5 metres.
All forms and sign in/out procedures are now digital.
How we will keep participants safe and respond to any illness during Workshops:
All participants will be contacted via email three days prior to Workshop date and reminded to stay at home if displaying any symptoms of illness.
As per all workshops, there will be a register of participants including names and contact details.
If any participant is displaying any symptoms of illness they will be removed from the workshop, and parents contacted immediately to be picked up.
If there are any concerns that someone has been infected with COVID post workshop, both the venue and the relevant authorities will be notified, and participants contacted.
If you would like any further information on our COVID Safe Plan you can email info@headstartpsychology.com.au
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COVID Safe plan
Head Start Psychology will be operating all Workshops under a COVID Safe Plan.
This is outlined below :